On the basis of prior projects and experiences I can provide broad technical expertise and a wealth of methodical and conceptional experience.
In the following you will find an extract of previous activities, my professional career, and further qualifications.
Recent work fields:
- Consulting of large enterprises (e.g., telecommunication- and insurance sector) as well as SMEs in the process of digital transformation
- Technical project planning, -management, and -coordination for aerospace (Airbus) and special- machine construction
- Test planning, evaluation, and documentation of dynamical tests (aerospace and defense)
- Technical expert in an international arbitration procedure (aerospace)
- Lecturer at FHDW Paderborn
My professional career:
- Managing associate of ALL4PROJECTS GmbH [since 2010]
- Project- and development engineer as well as founding member and associate of iXtronics GmbH [2002 – 2009]
- Ph.D.: “Modellierung mechatronischer Systeme – Basis der Systemauslegung und der Wissenskonservierung” (“Modelling of Mechatronic Systems – Basis for System Design and Knowledge Preservation“) [2003]
- Studies in Mechanical Engineering (University of Paderborn: Study emphasis on “Construction Technology”)
- Apprenticeship as a toolmaker
Supplementary qualifications:
- Certified Scrum Master
- Certified Product Owner
- Study visits abroad:
- United Kingdom (Nottingham Polytechnic)
- France (École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers)